Why Should You Trade in Cryptocurrency?

  The modern concept of cryptocurrency is becoming very popular among traders. A revolutionary concept introduced to the world by Satoshi Nakamoto as a side product became a hit. Decoding Cryptocurrency we understand crypto is something hidden and currency is a medium of exchange. It is a form of currency used in the block chain created and stored. This is done through encryption techniques in order to control the creation and verification of the currency transacted. Bit coin was the first cryptocurrency which came into existence.

Cryptocurrency is just a part of the process of a virtual database running in the virtual world. The identity of the real person here cannot be determined. Also, there is no centralized authority which governs the trading of cryptocurrency. This currency is equivalent to hard gold preserved by people and the value of which is supposed to be getting increased by leaps and bounds. The electronic system set by Satoshi is a decentralized one where only the miners have the right to make changes by confirming the transactions initiated. They are the only human touch providers in the system.

Forgery of the cryptocurrency is not possible as the whole system is based on hard core math and cryptographic puzzles. Only those people who are capable of solving these puzzles can make changes to the database which is next to impossible. The transaction once confirmed becomes part of the database or the block chain which cannot be reversed then.

Cryptocurrency is nothing but digital money which is created with the help of coding technique. It is based on peer-to-peer control system. Let us now understand how one can be benefitted by trading in this market.

Cannot be reversed or forged: Though many people can rebut this that the transactions done are irreversible, but the best thing about cryptocurrencies is that once the transaction is confirmed. A new block gets added to the block chain and then the transaction cannot be forged. You become the owner of that block.

Online transactions: This not only makes it suitable for anyone sitting in any part of the world to transact, but it also eases the speed with which transaction gets processed. As compared to real time where you need third parties to come into the picture to buy house or gold or take a loan, You only need a computer and a prospective buyer or seller in case of cryptocurrency. This concept is easy, speedy and filled with the prospects of ROI.

The fee is low per transaction: There is low or no fee taken by the miners during the transactions as this is taken care of by the network.

Accessibility: The concept is so practical that all those people who have access to smartphones and laptops can access the cryptocurrency market and trade in it anytime anywhere. This accessibility makes it even more lucrative. As the ROI is commendable, many countries like Kenya has introduced the M-Pesa system allowing bit coin device which now allows 1 in every three Kenyans to have a bit coin wallet with them.

Cryptocurrency has undoubtedly been a revolutionary concept which sees a booming growth in years to come. At the same time, the concept is a little bit ambiguous and new to most of the people. In order to understand how this whole thing works, we bring to you cryptocurrency news. This will update you further on every type of cryptocurrencies prevailing in the market including the Bitcoin news. Go ahead and enlighten yourself a bit more as to what this whole concept is and how it can benefit you.

Digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are in the news headlines everyday. The properties that make these cryptocurrencies unique is their abilities to act as a store of value, and lightning quick transfer speeds, or at least with the introduction of the lightning network for Bitcoin, and Ethereum' Casper switch to pos and its smart contract capabilities allow cryptocurrencies to be more than just money https://www.mediasnet.net/. Now Masternodes coins are all the rage due to the added incentive it gives to owning a percentage of a certain currency.

If you could imagine your good old blue faced hundred dollar bill being on steroids then you would be close to imagining a masternodes coin. In the world of cryptocurrencies, proof of stake is the method of confirming transactional hash that maintains the consensus and keeps all the notes on the same page, so that there cannot be double spending of any certain transactions and all is well with the network consensus. Staking your coins is a way of utilizing the amount of currency you own and syncing your digital wallet with the network to help maintain it, and in return you receive an incentive for helping validate the transactions. To run a masternodes, one must have a set number of coins running on a network and follow the Masternodes setup instructions for whichever currency you are planning on investing in. The added incentive is amazingly more than just staking your coins, in some cases, upwards of 1500 percent annually. It is these astronomical return on investments that is really bringing a ton of attention and investment into the Masternodes market.

One crypto planning on releasing a Masternodes coin early 2019 is the Tattoo Allince Token, to be a side chain on the Egem blockchain,whichs on disrupting the tattoo industry by creating a tokenized rewards system for both people wanting to buy tattoos and the artists who look forward to applying the artwork in return for the token. I believe this will be an amazing and refreshing idea and a great way to add long term benefits for tattoo artists who up till now have no 401k or incentive program in place. I am optimistic about this crypto since it strives to achieve great rewards and add value to a cash heavy industry. I believe that alongside the Masternodes capabilities, it will also have staking and a smart contract protocol as well as offering decentralized autonomous governance and a memberships rewards program. Look for more on TAT Masternodes token, coming early next year.

When it comes to trading cryptocurrencies, you have to speculate whether the market you have chosen will go up or down in value. And the interesting thing is that you never own the digital asset. Actually, the trading is done with derivative products like CFDs. Let's take a look at the benefits of trading crypto currencies. Read on to find out more.


While the cryptocurrency is a new market, it's quite volatile because of the short-lived speculative interest. The price of bitcoin dropped to $5851 from $19,378 in 2018, in just one year. However, the value of other digital currencies is quite stable, which is good news.

What makes this world so exciting is the volatility of the value of crypto currency. The price movements offer a lot of opportunities for traders. However, this comes with a lot of risk as well. Therefore, if you decide on exploring the market, just make sure you do your research and put together a risk management strategy.

Business Hours

Typically, the market is open for trade 24/7 because it is not regulated by any government. Moreover, the transactions are done between buyers and sellers across the world. There may be short downtimes when the infrastructural updates take place.

Improved Liquidity

Liquidity refers to how quickly a digital currency can be sold for cash. This feature is important as it allows quicker transaction times, better accuracy and better pricing. Generally, the market is kind of illiquid as the financial transactions happen across different exchanges. Therefore, small trades can bring large changes in the prices.

Leveraged Exposure

Since CFD trading is considered a leveraged product, you can open a position on what we call "margin". In this case, the value of the deposit is a fraction of the trade value. So, you can enjoy a great exposure to the market without investing a lot of money.

The loss or profit will reflect the value of the position at the time of its closure. Therefore, if you trade on margin, you can earn huge profits by investing a small amount of money. However, it also amplifies losses that may exceed your deposit on a trade. Therefore, make sure you take into account the total value of the position prior to investing in CFDs.

Also, it's important to ensure that you are following a solid risk management strategy, which should involve proper limits and stops.

Quick Account Opening

If you want to buy crypto currencies, make sure you do so through an exchange. All you need to do is sign up for an exchange account and keep the currency in your wallet. Keep in mind that this process may be restrictive and take a good deal of time and effort. However, once the account is created, the rest of the process will be quite smooth and free of complications.

Long story short, these are some of the most prominent benefits of crypto currency trading in the here and now. Hopefully, you will find this article quite helpful.


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